键盘侠|库里偷学大聪明的脚步😂 格林铸就普尔的铜皮铁骨👊

发布日期:2025-01-03 18:12    点击次数:53
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。)[Post Game Thread] The Dallas Mavericks (10-10) defeat the Golden State Warriors (11-11), 116-113[赛后贴]  达拉斯独行侠(10胜10负)116-113击败金州勇士(11胜11负)双方关键球员数据:独行侠(10-10):东契奇41分12篮板12助攻4抢断、哈达威22分4篮板2助攻、丁威迪14分2助攻2抢断、鲍威尔4分3篮板、史密斯6分9篮板2助攻、约什-格林13分2篮板、伍德4分8篮板、克莱伯6分、贝尔坦斯6分。勇士(11-11):库里32分5篮板5助攻、库明加14分10篮板2盖帽、德雷蒙德-格林12分6篮板4助攻、维金斯10分2助攻、卢尼11分6篮板、克莱5分7篮板2助攻、普尔9分2篮板9助攻、兰姆11分5篮板。[–]MavericksRemarkable_Carrot102 256 points an hour agoLeast stressful mavericks game独行侠球迷:这是独行侠赢得最轻松的一场球了😩[–]MavericksStefonDiggsHS 65 points an hour agoI can’t take this dude. Please. Just one easy win. Just one.独行侠球迷:真是够够的了。就不能风轻云淡的带走一场胜利吗?求求了,一场就行![–]RaptorsKingREX_24 120 points an hour agoCan't even put into words to how good Luka is.猛龙球迷:搜肠刮肚好着急,不知道咋夸东契奇[–]NBA Memes @NBAMemesHow we see the Warriors big 3...vs how Luka sees the Warriors big 3...推特网友:我们眼中的勇士三巨头VS卢卡眼中的勇士三巨头[–]Lakerscesga_0218 609 points 2 hours ago41 tribute to Dirk湖人球迷:得分四十一,致敬老司机[–]MavericksxRadec 387 points 2 hours agoMF needs a 40pt+ triple-double to win games with these cats.独行侠球迷:带着阿猫阿狗,不砍四十多分,没有三双在手,一场胜利都不配有[–]Mavericksjfrodriguez1983 131 points an hour agoLuka after every game独行侠球迷:每场比赛过后的卢卡[–]MavericksFireFlyz351 284 points 2 hours agoGet this man some fucking help god.独行侠球迷:老天开眼啊,给卢卡找点帮手吧[–]LakersPenguinPrince1 110 points 2 hours agoHis help got ejected湖人球迷:他的帮手被驱逐了相关新闻>>>>丁威迪突破挥肘打到普尔下巴🤯被吹二级恶犯直接驱逐出场[–]Knicksiksnet 418 points 2 hours ago2He got ejected, meaning Dinwiddie has missed more time for hitting Poole in the face than Draymond尼克斯球迷:打了普尔就驱逐?丁威迪瞅了瞅一场比赛没缺的格林,满脸不服[–]LakersApollo611 396 points 2 hours agoPoole’s jaw is having a rough year湖人球迷:普尔的下巴今年也是倒了血霉了[–]Armedinar 42 points 3 hours agoPoole got that Iron Chin with all that training with Dray球迷:幸得格林特训、鼎力相助,普尔的下巴才能刀枪不入[–]76erseagles1990 271 points 3 hours agoDraymond was just getting Jordan ready for this moment76人球迷:格林为子计深远,千锤百炼为今天[–]Maverickslost_in_trepidation 37 points 2 hours agoHe's got Josh Green独行侠球迷:东契奇还有约什-格林帮他相关新闻>>>>基德:约什-格林今晚的表现不可思议[–]Maverickshitchhiker87 130 points an hour agoMy parents had watched Michael Jordan I have Josh Green独行侠球迷:父辈得遇帮主降临,我有我的约什-格林[–]Mavericksturdnagels 66 points an hour agoWhere all the boomers who are always saying the NBA sucks cuz they don't call travels?独行侠球迷:谁成天喷NBA垃圾从不吹走步来着?站出来给俺老乡看看[–]NBAFerociousGiraffe 552 points 2 hours agoAs an avid fan of traveling violations, 8-second calls, Flagrant-2 ejections, and dead-ball fouls, this was my NBA Finals Game 7.球迷:作为一个走步违例、八秒违例、二级恶意以及死球犯规的狂热爱好者,看这场比赛,就像看NBA总决赛抢七一样过瘾![Highlight] Stephen Curry travels at a crucial moment late in the 4th quarter[高光时刻]库里第四节关键时候被吹走步相关新闻>>>>库里:不认为最后那个球是走步[–]Ranjith_Unchained 238 points 3 hours agoI can't believe they actually called that lol球迷:不敢相信,裁判在这种时候真吹走步,哈哈[–]LakersDarkSoulsDarius 105 points 2 hours agoThere was zero wrong travel calls. Players need to stop traveling and shuffling their feet.湖人球迷:今天这走步吹的,哪个有问题?早该治治球员的走步了,脚底下闪转腾挪的,去踢世界杯啊![–]shammmgodd 258 points 3 hours ago*this gotta be james wiseman’s fault somehow球迷:不知道为什么,总感觉还是怀斯曼的错[–]Charlotte BobcatsNotManyBuses 45 points 3 hours agoSteph taking footwork tips from Wiseman?球迷:咋了?库里这步法是从大聪明那偷师来的呗?[–]Lakersbackboarddd1_49402 297 points 2 hours agoWarriors fans ITT exposing that they don’t know what a pivot foot is湖人球迷:这帖子里喷裁判的勇士球迷暴露了他们就压根不知道什么是中轴脚![–]Supersonicsfetuswut 125 points 2 hours agoWarriors fans basketball knowledge is only in Off Ball Movement and Gravity they don’t know anything else超音速球迷:勇士球迷的篮球知识仅限于无球跑动和库有引力,其他一概不知![–][PHI] Eric Snowgustriandos 79 points 3 hours agoStepback 3s are about to get a lot harder if you’re not allowed to travel anymore76人球迷:以后不允许走步的话,后撤步三分可能要绝迹江湖咯[–]The Splash Brothers!Nyhrox 210 points 3 hours agoNo matter the result, I am proud of my boy Kuminga勇士球迷:不管结果如何,库明加这小子是长进了,我心甚慰![–]Celticsnottherealprotege 16 points 3 hours agoKuminga was great. Klay on the other hand…凯尔特人球迷:库明加打得不错,克莱又一言难尽了……[–]Jr🗡️@WigginssMVPKlay Thompson tonight推特网友:今晚的克莱![–]BucksDrunkBucksFan 94 points 3 hours agoGonna need another Mavs Warriors playoff series ASAP雄鹿球迷:季后赛还想再看一次独行侠VS勇士,尽快安排[–]MavericksStefonDiggsHS 112 points 3 hours agoNo thanks, another mavs suns game 7 please.独行侠球迷:我谢谢你啊,并不想看!再来一次独行侠和太阳抢七吧,意犹未尽 来源:Reddit编译:语次无伦 美帝键盘侠

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